Winter term 2023/24 (LMU Munich)




Lecture Course: Topology 1

Time and Venue: Tuesday 12-14 ct (A 027) and Friday 12-14 ct (A 027)


Here is the moodle website which contains more information. The subscription key is the first name of a famous german topologist whose last name is the german word for ``doll'' (it is also the first name of a colleague in the topology group here at LMU).


Oberseminar Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry

Time and Venue: Wednesday 16-18 (TBD)


Workgroup Seminar Homotopy theory

Time and Venue: TBD

Summer term 2023 (LMU Munich)



Lecture Course: Commutative Algebra

Time and Venue: Monday 14-16 ct (B 005) and Thursday 12-14 ct (B 005)


Here is the moodle website which will contain more information. The subscription key is the last name (first letter capitalized) of a famous algebraist whose first name is David.


Workgroup Seminar Homotopy theory

Time and Venue: Wednesday 13-15 st B 416, next meeting: 26.04.

Winter term 2022/23 (LMU Munich)



Lecture Course: Algebra 

Time and Venue: Wednesday 12-14 ct (B 006) and Friday 12-14 ct (B 006)

Exercise Session: Monday 16-18 ct (B 006)


Here is the website for the course with more information.


Summer term 2022 (LMU Munich)



Lecture Course: Condensed Mathematics

Time and Venue: Monday 12-14 (B 251) and Thursday 10-12 (B 041)

Exercise Session: Monday 14-16 (B 046)

There will soon be a moodle website which contains the relevant course material.

Lectures on Condensed Mathematics
These are the lecture notes of the course. They are unfinished and not thoroughly proofread. Use at own risk. Comments more than welcome!
Verdichtete Mathematik.pdf
PDF-Dokument [635.2 KB]

Block 4 20/21 (Copenhagen)


Lecture course: Hermitian K-theory of Poincaré categories

Time and venue: Tuesday and Thursday 13-15, via Zoom.

Exercises sessions (biweekly): Thursday 15-17, via Zoom.

There is a webpage at Absalon which will contain lecture notes. 

Lectures on Hermitian K-theory
PDF-Dokument [1.2 MB]

Block 3 19/20 (Copenhagen)


Lecture course: An Introduction to Infinity-Categories

Time and venue: Monday 10-12, Auditorium 6 and Friday 10-12, Auditorium 6

Exercises (by Piotr Pstragowski): Tuesday 13-16, Bio Center

There is a webpage at Absalon which will contain exercise sheets and lecture notes.


Summer term 19 (Regensburg)


Lecture course: Infinity-categories

Time and venue: Monday 8-10, M103 and Wednesday 16-18, M101 

Exercises (by Georg Tamme): Friday 10--12 H32

There is now a webpage at GRIPS -- if you plan to attend, please sign up for it there.

The GRIPS page will contain the exercise sheets. They will be uploaded on each monday. You will not have to hand in solutions, but they will be discussed in the exercise sessions.


K-theory seminar: Galois descent in telescopically localized K-theory, with Georg Tamme

Time and venue: Tuesday, 14-16, M311

Seminar webpage with further information.


CONFERENCE: Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting V -- Regensburg, July 4-5 2019.

The Homepage for the conference is here.


Autumn School: Computations in motivic homotopy theory -- Regensburg, September 16--20, 2019, organized with Cisinski, Strunk, and Tamme.

The Homepage for the conference is here.


Winter term 18/19 (Regensburg)


Lecture course: Introduction to higher categories

Time and venue: Monday 16-18, M311 and Thursday 8-10, M311

Exercises (by Adeel Khan): Friday 10-12 in M009

There is now a webpage at GRIPS -- if you plan to attend the course, please sign up for it there. 

The GRIPS page will contain the exercise sheets. They will be uploaded on each monday and will have to be handed in on the forthcoming monday, preferably in the break.


K-theory Seminar: p-adic K-theory of p-adic rings

Time and venue: Tuesday, 14-16, M311

Seminar webpage with further information.


Summer term 18 (Regensburg)


On Sabbatical granted by the Academic Research Sabbatical Program of the University of Regensburg.


CONFERENCE: Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting III -- Regensburg, July 11-12 2018, organised jointly with G. Raptis

The Homepage for the conference is here.


Winter term 17/18 (Regensburg)


CONFERENCE: Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting II -- Augsburg, December 14-15 2017, organised jointly with F. Hebestreit

The Homepage for the conference is here.


Research Seminar of the SFB: HIOB 6 -- On Topological Cyclic Homology

Time and venue: Mondays, 12-14, Seminar Room SFB. Seminar Homepage


Block Seminar on Representation theory of finite groups

Time and venue: Tuesday 10.10. -- Thursday 12.10, M009. 


Seminar "Stable homotopy theory II" (with Georgios Raptis)

Time and venue: Wednesdays, 16-18, Seminar Room SFB. The Seminar webpage is hosted by GRIPS.


Summer term 17 (Regensburg)


Lecture course on homotopy theoretic methods in the topology of manifolds

Time and venue: Mondays, 14-16, M102


Seminar on representation theory of finite groups

Time and venue: Fridays, 10-12, M101


---- CANCELLED, but will probably take place next semester ----

Seminar on Automorphisms of manifolds and algebraic K-theory (along Weiss-Williams)


Winter term 16/17 (Regensburg)


Seminar on Homological and Representation Stability

Time and venue: Tuesdays, 14-16 in the SFB room: Bio 1.1.34. 


Exercise Session for Topology 1

Time and venue: Wednesdays, 8:30-10, in room M101.


Winter School on Bordism, L-theory and real algebraic K-theory

Time and venue: December 5-9, 2016 at Kastell Windsor outside of Regensburg. Here is the link to the webpage of the Winter School.


Previous teaching (Bonn)



Summer Term 15: Teaching Assistant for Topology 2 

Organization of the exercise classes for the lecture of Thomas Nikolaus.


Winter Term 14/15: Teaching Assistant for Topology 1

Organization of the exercise classes for the lecture of Thomas Nikolaus.


Summer Term 14: Organization of the GRK 1150 Phd student seminar about Browder's result on the Kervaire invariant one problem.


Summer Term 13: Organization of the GRK 1150 Phd student seminar about C*-algebras and K-theory.


Sumer Term 12: Exercise Sessions in Linear Algebra 2 (lectured by Prof. Rapoport)


Winter Term 11/12: Exercise Sessions in Linear Algebra 1 (lectured by Prof. Rapoport)


Summer Term 11: Exercise Sessions in Global Analysis 2 (lectured by Prof. Lesch)


Winter Term 10/11: Exercise Sessions in Global Analysis 1 (lectured by Prof. Lesch)


Summer Term 10: Exercise Sessions in Analysis 1 (lectured by Prof. Conti)


Winter Term 09/10: Exercise Sessions in Analysis 2 (lectured by Prof. Conti)